
November 26, 2012

The journey of setting up my exhibit.

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November 26, 2012

I thought I had everything figured out for my project. Every was already planned out and I had already started working on my final idea when I had to make up other proposals for homework.

I fell in love with a new idea where I would create a mirror out of rooms and paste the faces t head height. I changed all my plans but when it came to shop for the materials, things became expensive very quickly so I reverted to my original idea.

The Focus.

November 26, 2012


Every face is unique and fascinating. While on the line, I took many pictures of people’s faces and I experienced the complexity of each one and decided to morph the faces into one being. Each individual’s face surprisingly complimented the ones it joined with.

Everyone is in harmony.


You could spend hours looking at the image of the faces.

This aspect is particularly engaging to my colleagues because all of the faces I used are my peer’s faces.

The audience can focus on my purpose without me explaining anything if they contemplate it enough with the aid of the title, “Looking Beyond Yourself.”

Everybody grows through life with a certain viewpoint they believe is normality. We need to learn to look beyond it.

My aspect of normalcy derives from my native american culture which is very different from other culture’s form of normalcy.

In this project I discovered that in order to fully appreciate the beauty of others, I needed to look past my views, which is what this project symbolizes.

Even though the amount of hours I put into creating this project is more than I care to admit, every aspect of my project is the bare necessity.

Simplicity is beauty.

I didn’t want anything to take away from the natural beauty and complexity of the people from   the line’s faces.

How do I express the diversity I may find along the line?

How do I put myself into this work?

What strikes me as diverse?

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I chose to display my personal diverse attributes through a dreamcatcher. What better way to tie my culture into my project? The possiblilties with this are infinite.

Now how do I involve the line’s diversity into this project…

I chose to use the diverse aspects of nature to create my dreamcatcher. Along my journey I collected objects that struck me as diverse and I plan to transfer these objects into my dreamcatcher.

This all sounds great but the word diversity isn’t as involved as I want it to be.

The people that pass through on the line are the most diverse objects I could ever hope to find. Their individual lifestyle’s, cultures, facial expressions, stories, every aspect of a person is diverse. So I collected as many faces that came across the line as possible and I plan to merge the faces to create one. Because although our infinite differences make us so diverse, we are all so similar. Which in itself is diversity in a bubble.

The unity of differences.

Defining Diversity

November 6, 2012


/dɪˈvɜrsɪti, daɪ-/ Show Spelled[dih-vur-si-tee, dahy-] Show IPA

noun, plural di·ver·si·ties.

1.the state or fact of being diverse; difference; unlikeness.
2.variety; multiformity.
3.a point of difference.
assortment, dissimilarity, distinction, distinctiveness, divergence, diverseness, diversification, heterogeneity, medley, mixed bag, multeity, multifariousness, multiformity, multiplicity, range, unlikeness, variance, variegation, variousness


identicalness, sameness, similarity, uniformity

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The word diversity particularly stuck out to me immediately because I felt the possibilities for this word were endless. I grabbed the word right away prepared to maim those who got in my way.

Every aspect of the line is diverse in a multitude of ways. It’s just up to me to find what speaks to me.

I relate to the word myself because I’m part of a diverse culture and I felt that I could reflect that in my work by choosing this word.

There will be no boundries for this word.

The Line.

November 5, 2012

so it begins..


/ɪkˈsplɔr, -ˈsploʊr/ Show Spelled [ik-splawr, -splohr] Show IPA verb, ex·plored, ex·plor·ing.

verb (used with object)

to traverse or range over (a region, area, etc.) for the purpose of discovery: to explore the island.
Lets’s start small.
Object: a mushroom.
Dimensions: tall as my pinky, as fat as my big toe.
Material: squishy, soggy.
Inventory Date: November 1st, 2012.
Location Found: before the creek behind nana’s.
Visual Description:
Potential Categories: pointless mushroom/shelter for the tiniest of creatures
Additional Notes: most of the mushrooms surrounding this one are squashed. seems insignificant to us. such a pointless object. upon further investigation, it has much more to offer. its anatomy is perplexing, nature’s most complex umbrella.
Let’s live a little larger.
Exploration #59
How to wander aimlessly.
1. Pick a time and place: November 1st, 7:40pm. Behind Nana’s halfway through the line.
2. Pack a Bag. -water bottle. money. phone. notepad. pen.
3. Head in any direction: start from the cohen building, continue to 2nd half of the line
4. Do the opposite of what you think you should. “we can’t go this way on the line, there’s a creek.”
5. If you start to think you are wasting time, you are doing it correctly: the branches are falling beneath us, there’s no way we can do this.. but the log going perfectly across seems to placed for us perfectly..
6. Keep going. Pay attention to the details. Lose all sense of time and space: eventually, we made it across with only a few cuts and scrapes but at least  we can say we did it.
Altered State.
During my first trip on the line, it was just as hurricane sandy was hitting and it was downpouring, what a perfect time to go on a mile-long trip. Everywhere you walk, you’re walking through a puddle. I guess moccasins weren’t the best choice that day. Eventually, my shoes and socks served no purpose so I began to walk barefoot. I incidently altered my experience, but I found a whole new way to explore simply by removing clothing. It’s remarkable the things we miss from wearing shoes. Surely it saves us a great deal of pain but it’s a barrier between our bodies and the earth.
the effects of walking such a far distance with no footwear protection truely leaves a mark, but it is also an artwork. proof of a journey. the cracks tell a story. how insanely cold it was, how many rocks punctured the soles of my feet, the slips and near falls. a story nontheless. it’s amazing how an experience can change solely by being closer to the world.
Exploration # 54
The language of trees.
“Rooted in EARTH but with their branches pointing to the HEAVENS, trees are, like
humans themselves, creatures of two worlds, intermediaries between ABOVE AND
You can spend a lifetime appreciating the beauty of trees. no matter where you go on the line, if you look up, you will always see trees. this is something to contemplate. it is one of the only constants on the line and I think the line should be centered around the beauty of trees. thanks to the hurricane, there are lots of spare tree limbs to go around, I collected a few I could manage to carry and I’m hoarding them in my dorm. I’ll see what I can do with them in the future.
using a spare branch and my own materials, I made a dreamcatcher.