Defining Diversity

November 6, 2012


/dɪˈvɜrsɪti, daɪ-/ Show Spelled[dih-vur-si-tee, dahy-] Show IPA

noun, plural di·ver·si·ties.

1.the state or fact of being diverse; difference; unlikeness.
2.variety; multiformity.
3.a point of difference.
assortment, dissimilarity, distinction, distinctiveness, divergence, diverseness, diversification, heterogeneity, medley, mixed bag, multeity, multifariousness, multiformity, multiplicity, range, unlikeness, variance, variegation, variousness


identicalness, sameness, similarity, uniformity

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The word diversity particularly stuck out to me immediately because I felt the possibilities for this word were endless. I grabbed the word right away prepared to maim those who got in my way.

Every aspect of the line is diverse in a multitude of ways. It’s just up to me to find what speaks to me.

I relate to the word myself because I’m part of a diverse culture and I felt that I could reflect that in my work by choosing this word.

There will be no boundries for this word.

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