Personal Territory Tour

October 29, 2012

“this tree is the most beautiful, natural aspect of Alfred University’s campus.”

Personal Territory Boundary.

50 Things.

Exploration #14

Sound Map: sit in your territory for one hour. document all the sounds you can hear and the times you heard them.

– girl in the chair to the left of me is talking about how her boyfriend is already creating unnecessary jealousy issues already.

– she feels like she isn’t attractive because of him.

-car horn IV

-crow cawing VI

-engines reving III

-small talk by passer bys VI

-wind swooshing through the trees (continuous)

-music from peoples’ headphones II

-birds tweeting back and forth IV

-dragging of feet II

-me, typing (continuous)

-girl on the phone complaining that it’s too hot.

-thug music bumpin’ from some gangster’s automobile. III

-the difference in people’s pacing. some are in a hurry, some are taking a nice stroll

-same girl comes out of powell 20 minutes later still on the phone, still complaining about how hot it is.

-now she’s sitting near me, great.

-guess now’s a good time to leave.

Exploration #20

Make a list of placid small thoughts you have throughout sitting at your territory. (For instance, what were you thinking just now?)

-I remember my first tour at alfred last year. I walking by this tree an it was the only aspect of the campus I ound memorable outside of the art building.

-I thought, “if I went here I could do a bunch of projects including that tree.”

-It was winter then, the tree was so naked.

-It looks better dressed with these yellow leaves.

-It’s so weird that there’s leaves all over the ground but it’s hot like summer out.

-I should probably start working on that paper, but this is way better.

-I should start counting how many people give me weird looks for sitting in this tree.

-My ipod battery sucks.

-“ignite the dark illuminate the unkown but since your head’s in the clouds the best adivce I’ve found is don’t look down.”

-Why are people argueing over this campaign? The world’s gonna end in 2 months anyways.

-“fate fell short this time, your smile fades in the summer. FEELIN’ THIS!?”

-People’s lives would be so much easier if everyone just listened to me. I’m always right, always.

-I miss black people. Where the homies at on campus?

-I should get out of this tree before I get a splinter in my ass.

50 Things

1. This tree is so inspirational

2. It’s an art in itself the way in knots around

3. It’s right outside of Powell Campus Center

4. There aren’t many leaves left right now

5. It looks really unbalanced

6. The bumps near the base look really funky

7. There’s one hole in the tree right in the center, it looks like a cyclops

8. I wonder how old this tree is

9. This tree must hold a lot of memories

10. It looks so spooky without it’s leaves, perfect for halloween

11. There’s three main branches

12. The way the light comes through the branches is interesting

13. The shadows of the tree overlap and fade into each other

14. The bark of the trees look like funny scales, like on a snake

15. The tiny twigs branch out like veins

16. Instead of branching out upwards, the smaller ones face downward

17. Each branch seem to grow into it’s own individual tree formation

18. Each section makes it’s own little canopy

19. The hole inside the trunk must make a great place for animals in the cold

20. The weird bump at the base of the trunk make great steps for climbing up the tree

21. This tree is actually very comforable, I could stay here a while

22. There’s a strong musk of fall

23. A bunch of different insects call this tree home

24. Most of the leaves look like they could snap off at any moment

25. The leaves lower in the tree have the least amount of yellow in their coloring

26. The leaves on the ground are crunchy

27. Each one of these leaves go own their own little journey

28. They start a bright green

29. Now, most are yellow, losing their nutrients

30. Eventually they’ll brown and fall to the ground

31. And in the end they’ll fertilize the tree which gave it life

32. It’s a never-ending cycle

33. As I climb higher the branches don’t get any thinner

34. The tree almost craddles you

35. This kind of tree inspired one of my favorite artists

36. The branches would make for excellent linework

34. The most appropriate medium would be ink, to bring out the beauty of the twists of the branches

35. It’s hard to see where the roots enter the ground

36. I wonder what the roots of this tree would look like

37. Maybe it’s a perfect reflection of what it looks like above ground

38. The trunk is fairly skinny for how far the tree stretches out

39. The movement of the branches are overly organic

40. Almost as if it’s an intentional sporatic linework

41. The lines of this tree fit my style so perfectly

42. My natural movements of the brush align so well with how the tree is actually mapped out

43. The way the branches intertwine it almost looks like they’re doing a dance

44. The branches form together in different way depending on the angle you view the tree from

45. The view from outside of the Powell second floor is the most compelling to me

46. When a branch splits into two, it forms a huge bulbus figure

47. The best way to illustrate the tiniest branches is to make the most obscure lines your brush can make

48. I bet from above, the branches form a circle

49. The possibilities of this tree are endless

50. This is the most beautiful natural aspect of campus.

Tour Guide

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exploration #13

October 23, 2012

Collecting type.

document lettering you find out in the world. take notes about where and when you found the samples.

exploration #10

October 23, 2012

One Thing

choose an everyday object. this can be something you find on the street or something you have. look at the top half of the object for fifteen minutes. record everything you see there in detail. then do the dame for the bottom half. the longer you look the more you will see.

if something is boring after two minutes, try it four. if still boring, then eight. then sixteen. then thirty-two. eventually one discovers that it is not boring at all.”

John Cage

-it’s just a stupid spool of yarn.

-it’s yellow

-yellow’s my favorite color

-slightly unraveled

-maybe it’s more of a mustard yellow

-maybe it used to be a bright yellow

-the string is layered in a triangle formation

-i hate it when you can’t find the end of the string

-i guess i’ll just cut a new end

-the layers are a complicated pattern in itself

-by unraveling you kinda ruin this patten

-there’s varitation in colors based on what layer the string is in.


-the inner cylinder that hold the spool is just plain cardboard

-there’s handwriting on the inside

-i can’t quite make out what it says

-there’s the number twelve inside

-the layers are boring from this angle

-wrinkles in the cardboard

-the other side was better.

-oh there’s where the string ended..

exploration #1

October 23, 2012

Right where you are sitting, 

 write ten things about where you are sitting right now that you hadn’t noticed when you sat down. use your senses. do it quickly. do not censor. okay, begin.

“the aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. (one is unable to notice something- because it is always before one’s eyes.) ”            

-Ludwig Wittgenstein

1. the wood grain on the table

2. the amount of hair in my brush…

3. the smell of the chocolate rice crispies that’s still in a bowl from earlier

4. how hard this chair is, it hurts my ass.

5. some girl is whining about her boy problems outside.

6. the lint in the vents, firehazard.

7. there’s that chapstick I lost a while ago.

8. I have a lot of cool colors decorating my room

9. girls squelling down the hall.

10. it’s hot as hell in here I’m gonna go open the window.